Melissa’s pregnancy had been confirmed by her doctor, and the word pregnant was not what she wanted to hear. Her doctor had recommended against abortion due to her ongoing health issues. However, her mind was made up, and she was determined to follow through with an abortion.
She came to iChoose hoping to talk through her situation. She felt that her career would be ruined if she had a baby. However, if she decided to have an abortion, her own life would be jeopardized. Not thinking of the little one whose life was at stake, Melissa asked, “Should I risk my life by having an abortion?”
While she spoke with our Client Advocate, Melissa recognized the inconsistency between her Christian values and her determination to have an abortion. She soon began to understand that each person, born and pre-born, has value in God’s sight. As the Client Advocate led her out of her fear and confusion, she no longer felt trapped in a dark place of hopelessness. In that moment, Melissa chose Life for her baby!
Because of you, we were there for her! Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the women and men we are blessed to serve with God’s truth and love.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." -Psalm 127:3